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The Why

Hey Mama--is your why aligned with my why?

Are you wanting to plan a magical, unforgettable Disney vacation for your family but just the thought of the planning causes you stress? Is planning your travel taking up more time than you have? Is it causing your stress? Is it intimidating and maybe even overwhelming?

Let’s face it: Planning a family vacation is stressful and time consuming.

When I was a kid all I had to do was pack one small bag of personal activities and hop in the car when my dad called, “All Aboard!” All of the other arrangements were made by my mom, who worked for days to prepare us for a trip, and then worked every day during the trip, and then worked even harder after the trip to catch up on laundry and housework, paperwork, and all of her other work.

Well, now I’m the mama.

It doesn’t seem to matter whether it’s for an overnight or an extended stay; at some point leading up to a vacation, I tend to ask myself, “Is this trip really necessary?” I think of all the very productive things I might be able to accomplish with the time, if we just stayed home instead and by the time it is time to leave for our vacation, I am EXHAUSTED.
As a mom we have to-do lists that keep growing and finding time for that which we want to do, in the midst of all that needs to be done, increasingly becomes a challenge we all face. When travel-planning — a much time-consuming endeavor — is added to the list, we must compromise on convenience, cost, and/or customizations, or perhaps even sleep in order to make it happen.

On average, people spend 20–30 hours on pre-travel planning. The time dedicated to vacation planning jumps to 30+ hours when it is for an international trip. 

A Travel Attribution Study for Expedia Media Solutions found that people, on average, visit 38 different websites when planning a vacation.  38!  That is a whole lot of googling and hoping that your research is accurate information.

How much is your time worth?

Planning a vacation is time-consuming-that is a fact. 
What if this process could be simplified and you could be provided with the best user experience and an amazing travel experience with low stress and big confidence?
I’m here to tell you that it can be and will be when we work together.


Save time, take advantage of insider-knowledge for discounts and logistics all for no-cost to you!

Take a look at the the Disney travel experiences below and let’s get started on making memories that are stress-free and ones YOU can enjoy, too!

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